(973) 812-7447
Over 30 years of training champions!
The place to be, since 1993.
We're hiring coaches!
Send your resume to:
Have your birthday with us!
Tumble! Fly! Bounce! Laugh! Scream! Have the best time... ever!
Birthday Party Times:
Saturday: 12:30pm , 2:00pm
July 13-Aug.24th:
Saturday: 11:30am available only
Price Llst:
$22 per child
(Minimum of 10 children, ages 4-14)
Birthday Party Celebrations are BACK!​
We offer 1 hour in the gym with instruction
+ 30 minutes in the party room.
Our staff will lead the hour of gym activities which will include climbing and tumbling on an obstacle course, jumping and flipping on the trampoline and swinging and jumping in our foam block pit. The children will then move to the party room where you will supply the food & refreshments. More info here: BIRTHDAY PARTY FLYER & INFO
$50 non-refundable deposit secures your date and time + form.