(973) 812-7447
Over 30 years of training champions!
The place to be, since 1993.
We're hiring coaches!
Send your resume to: info@gymnastikanj.com
Gymnastika Classes
Our schedule for 2024-2025 season is posted below!
1. Please complete the registration form below.
2. Email the form over to : info@gymnastikanj.com
3. We will give you a call for the tuition.
2024-2025 Class Sessions
Each session is 8 weeks long
Session Dates:
1. September 3- October 26
2. October 28 - December 21
3. January 6- March 1
4. March 3 - April 26
5. April 28- June 21
Holidays: The gym will be closed on these dates.
Monday, Labor Day. 9/2
Halloween Day, 10/31, Thanksgiving Day-11/28
Monday, Memorial Day-5/26
Registration is year round!
Missed the start of the session? No worries!
Call us to see what classes are available and let's get started! Tuitions can be pro-rated for new students.

Pre-School Classes
Parent & Me (2&3yr.) 45 min. (currently not available)
The Parent and Me class is for children ages 2 & 3 years old. Parents participate with their child as the class instructor guides and teaches the class. Children learn basics in coordination and physical development on various gymnastics equipment.
Toddler (3&4yr.) 45 min. $210/session
This class is for kids (3&4 years old) to work with an instructor and independent of parental support. The young gymnasts will learn simple skills on a broad range of equipment.
Pee-Wee (4&5yr.) 50min. $220/session
The Pee-Wee program (4&5 year olds) is designed to improve a young gymnast's coordination through basic skills on all competitive events + trampoline and tumble track. We teach the beginning basics for handstands, cartwheels, forward rolls on floor. Strength and coordination on bars and vault. Balance and confidence skills on beam.

General Classes $220/session
Mini (6 & 7yr.) 50min.
Middle (8 & 9yr.) 50min.
Older (10+yr.) 50min.
Gymnasts are placed in classes according to their ages. These classes are perfect for beginners looking to start, or those that have had gymnastics experience but are looking to perfect their basic floor skills like handstands, cartwheels, round-offs, etc. as well as basic skills on bars, vault and balance beam to become a well rounded & confident gymnast!
Class Pods $220/session
Ages Vary. 50min.
This option is for those looking to be in a private class with friends & family. Perfect opportunity to take advantage of our huge facility, stay safe and work on becoming a great gymnast. Email for inquiries!

Tumbling Class $240/session
(7-17 yr. Boys & Girls) 60 min.
This class only focuses on floor based skills (no bars/vault/beam work). This class can be divided to accommodate multiple levels from beginner to expert.
Advanced Classes $260/session. *By invitation only
Small Girls Advanced (6 -8 yr.) 80 min.
Middle /Older Girls Advanced (9+yr.) 80 min.
Students who have acquired the basics of our beginner classes can be advanced to this group to concentrate on more challenging skills on all events.

Skills Team (non-competitive) *By invitation only
The skills team is a non-competitive team that meets twice/week. Athletes concentrate on perfecting and polishing their skills on all events without the pressures of competing.
Pre-Team *By invitation only
The pre-team is a highly selective group of athletes that are preparing to join our USAG Gymnastika Team.